New at GTspirit is this quarterly overview of the most popular car manufacturers. We measured overall popularity by the share of pageviews each brand represents as part of our total pageviews – over 40 million in total during Q1 2014. Comparing this with our recent poll about what our readers and fans consider their favorite car gives a good impression of how the car manufacturers in our segment perform in terms of media exposure and owner/fan popularity. The first quarterly GTspirit Car Manufacturers Ranking below displays the top brands during the first quarter of 2014.

Compared to last year we witnessed a few interesting changes including the rising star: Mercedes-Benz who beat Lamborghini for the first time to conquer the number 1 spot. The Top 10 is dominated mostly by German and Italian brands. The British brands battle in the lower regions of our ranking. If we compare the ranking based on pageviews with the results of our readers poll we see a few surprises. Most notably Koenigsegg and Aston Martin are under-performers – less pageviews than you would expect based on direct fan popularity – while Mercedes-Benz and Range Rover are over-performing.

The Most Popular Car Manufacturers Ranking Q1 2014

Determined by the percentage of brand related pageviews on from 1st of January 2014 til 31st of March 2014.

1. Mercedes-Benz
2. Lamborghini
3. Ferrari
4. Porsche
5. BMW
6. Audi
7. McLaren
8. Bugatti
9. Koenigsegg
10. Pagani
11. Range Rover
12. Maserati
13. Jaguar
14. Lexus
15. Rolls-Royce
16. Aston Martin
17. Bentley

GTspirit Readers Most Popular Car Manufacturers

We also asked our readers to tell us their favorite car manufacturer in 2014 and these are the results:

[poll id=”160″ type=”result”]

We wish all manufacturers the best of luck until the next manufacturers ranking due for publication after the end of the second quarter of 2014!

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